Streamlabs obs software
Streamlabs obs software

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As a trade-off the overall quality per bitrate is lower than the CPU-based x264 in nearly all cases. Hardware encoders - such as Nvidia NVENC, Intel QuickSync, or AMD VCE - can help with this as they use special hardware in your system dedicated to the task of video encoding. It is important to understand that video encoding is a very resource intensive process, especially when attempting to do so in real-time. You can learn more about local recording settings in this guide here: For local recordings, your choice of encoder is far less relevant than your actual settings and in many cases a hardware encoder will be better suited for you. This is what the vast majority of OBS users will be using when they stream. This guide is focused entirely on streaming with the x264 encoder. However, the best way to find your best settings is to test, test, and test again. This tool will test your system and your internet connection to determine what it can handle from both an encoding standpoint and a connection stability standpoint. If you are new to OBS or streaming in general, OBS Studio contains a feature known as the "Auto-Configuration Wizard" which can be found in the Tools menu. One for fast motion games, one for desktop applications, and another for live video.

streamlabs obs software

As an example, I have 3 different sets of streaming encoding settings for the types of media I stream. Every single setup, for every single use case, will be different. Let me reiterate that there is no such thing as "best settings". This is intended to help you understand how video encoding in general works, and how to better identify potential issues with your settings and help you learn where to look to correct them. This is also not intended to be a "best settings" guide, and I will not recommend any specific settings. If you're interested in the nitty-gritty, head over to the doom9 forums, FFmpeg docs, or the x264 website and start digging. This is not intended to be a fully detailed technical explanation of how x264 works there are far better guides out there than what I can provide here. All done? Great! Let's get started.īefore we get into the details, let me explain what this guide is not. He does a great job of giving a quick primer on how video encoding works, and you will hopefully have a better understanding of the topics and terminology that we'll be going over. So, you want to learn more about video encoding? How to set up your stream for the best quality given your computer's hardware and connection limitations? Let's start with this video by Tom Scott.

Streamlabs obs software