Google search photo
Google search photo

Here are some other alternative reverse image search tips: Google has a nice advanced image search page that lets you search by image size, file type, colors, region, and more. Once you go through these initial search results, you’ll want to try employing some advanced search techniques to help find any images that Google might have overlooked. Google will also try to determine a text description for your image – you can alter this in the search box if it’s slightly incorrect (in this case, “uestlove kit” instead of “questlove kit” or simply “questlove”). This is where you can determine if anyone is using an unauthorized copy of your image.

google search photo google search photo

Once you’ve uploaded your photo or pasted your image URL into Google Image search, it will return a page that includes a collage of visually similar images, which might resemble yours but not be exact copies, and a list of webpages that contain matching images.

Google search photo